30 Min Arms

30 Min Arms

Training Notes:
A1: Use a rope attachment for this if possible. Face the cable stack and adjust your body positioning so the path of the cable is aligned with your working arm. Note the tempo and keep your upper arm locked in slight extension (elbow pointed behind you). Focus on a full ROM through your triceps and hard contractions. Take the last set to failure then use your off arm to self-spot and assist with 3 forced reps. 
A2: Use a rope attachment for this if possible. Face sideways with the cable on the same side as your working arm. When holding the cable, your upper arm should be at a ~45º angle relative to the floor. Allow for adduction through the curl and try to end the rep with your thumb in front of your sternum. Note the tempo here and get a full ROM on each rep. Take the last set to failure then drop the load by ~30% and continue to failure.  
A3: Use a load that would be your 20 rep max when fresh. Maintain a neutral grip and reach behind your head through the eccentric to get a deep stretch through your triceps. It should resemble a modified pullover. Keep the eccentric slow here and aim for a huge pump!
B1: Set the bench angle to ~45º. Perform these lying prone with your chest against the end of the bench. Full supinate your wrists and keep the DBs pressed together throughout the rep. Try to curl to your forehead, adding in shoulder flexion, and contract your biceps as hard as you can. Adhere to the tempo. Rest 30 sec before B2.
B2: Set the bench angle to ~60º. Perform these with your back against the bench and maintain supination throughout the rep. Slow the tempo down and be deliberate with the pause in the stretch. Keep the upper arms locked into place and perpendicular to the floor. Your biceps will get fatigued fast on these but keep the form strict. Full rest before returning to B1. 
C1: Use a pin or plate loaded machine here if possible and a load that would be your 15 rep max when fresh. Go back and forth between C1 and C2 for 10 min and aim to get as many reps/rounds in as possible. Be strategic in order to maximize density!
C2: Use a pin or plate loaded machine here if possible and a load that would be your 15 rep max when fresh. Go back and forth between C1 and C2 for 10 min and aim to get as many reps/rounds in as possible. Be strategic in order to maximize density!
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