Agile Athlete

Agile Athlete

Training Notes: 

A1: Set these up in a power rack with the J-hooks in front of you at about shoulder height when seated on the floor. Make sure to have spotter arms at belly-button height. Your legs should be in a V, with toes dorsiflexed and knees extended down into the floor. Maintain rigid trunk and braced abs throughout. Get a full ROM on each rep. Warm-up shoulders and upper body as needed before beginning working sets here. Rest ~60 sec before A2. 

A2: Use hex DBs for these so they don’t roll on the floor. The load should NOT be heavy relative to your rowing strength. The intent here is to improve trunk and abdominal stability so the tempo rows and rigidity of your body take precedence. Make sure to avoid rotating your shoulders or hips during the set. Alternate arms as you go. Pull the DB into your abdomen and get a full ROM. Full rest before returning to A1. 

B: Take your time working up to a load that is about your 12 rep max. Perform 2-3 feeder sets of 5 reps to prime your glutes while conserving energy. Perform working sets as clusters. Rest ~20 sec between clusters and take the final one to failure. 

C1: Use semi-pronated grip. Adhere closely to the tempo on these and make sure your elbows rest/settle on the floor for a full count before initiating the concentric. Keep your legs bent with feet flat on the floor. You can also place a rolled up towel/shirt in between your shoulder blades to allow for more freedom of movement through your scaps. Rest ~60 sec before C2. 

C2: Perform these on a Nordic curl apparatus, a GHR, or have a partner hold your ankles. The goal here is to maintain 90º knee flexion while actively going through hip flexion/extension. Keep the tempo very slow and controlled. Make sure to return all the way to full hip extension at the top of the rep. Full rest before returning to C1. 

D1: Use a load that would be about your 15 rep max EACH for these. Make sure to go through a set or two of unloaded Cossack squats before the working sets in order to get comfortable in the ROM. Once ready, hold the end of the bar in the goblet position and adjust your feet as needed to account for the fixed landmine arc. Perform 5 reps each side on the first round before immediately transitioning to D2. Reps will taper down by 1 in each subsequent round (i.e. 4, 3, 2, then 1). Try to finish the full sequence in as little time as possible. 

D2: Using the same load as D1, perform 5 reps each side on the first round before immediately transitioning to D3. Reps will taper down by 1 in each subsequent round (i.e. 4, 3, 2, then 1). Try to finish the full sequence in as little time as possible. 

D3: Using the same load as D1, perform 5 reps on the first round. Reps will taper down by 1 in each subsequent round (i.e. 4, 3, 2, then 1). Make sure to get through a full round before taking rest as needed. Rest can be taken after D3 before returning to D1. Try to finish the full sequence in as little time as possible. 

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