Calisthenic Full Body

Calisthenic Full Body

Training Notes:
A1: Adjust your body position in order to fall within the rep range with the tempo specified. Rotate from pronated to neutral grip through the concentric and make sure to get a full ROM with maximum scap retraction. 
A2: Only TWO working sets here. Try to keep the tension in the abductors and slow the tempo down to build that tension. Elevate your knees and/or add a band around your thighs if you're able to get more than 15 reps each. Full rest before returning to A1.
B1: Note the tempo. The box height should be high enough so that the back foot never makes contact with the ground once the set starts. Try to keep a forward torso angle to get a ton of hip flexion and glute stretch. Use your arms to help with stability and balance rather than to pull yourself up through the concentric. Take the last set to 1RIR on each side. 
B2: Loop a band around your upper back and through your thumbs to add resistance to the press. Scale the tension so that you fall between 8-15 reps. Control the tempo and lockout fully on each rep. Take the last set to 1RIR. Full rest before returning to B1.
C1: Keep the tempo slow and controlled and get a full ROM. Allow your scaps to get as much movement as possible here. If you're able to get more than 15 reps with bw, slow the tempo down more. If you can't get at least 5 reps, put your feet flat on the ground and use your legs as assistance. 
C2: Perform these standing tall rather than with the apparatus. Keep your hips fully extended and aim to lengthen the quads as much as possible through the eccentric. Keep the tempo very controlled and deliberate in order to reduce the strain on the knees. Use your upper body to provide balance and support during the sets. Full rest before returning to C1.
D1: Get a full ROM here and control the tempo. Your torso should be slightly forward leaning in order to get more pec involvement. If you're able to get more than 15 reps with bw, slow the tempo down more. If you can't get at least 5 reps, use a band for assistance. Get as many reps as you can until control starts to break down. Rest 30 sec before D2.
D2: These can be done on a Nordic curl apparatus or GHR. Keep the angle of knee flexion consistent but perform dynamic hip flexion/extension. Your pelvis should be neutral throughout. Adjust your center of mass in order to make the movement more difficult or easier. The more you lean forward, the harder it will be. Make sure to get your torso back to perpendicular with the floor on each rep. Get as many reps as you can until control starts to break down. Rest 30 sec before D3.
D3: Maintain parallel squat position and use your upper body for stability and balance. Try to get as much plantarflexion as possible on each rep and lock the tempo in. You should feel cramp-like contractions if these are done right. Get as many reps as you can until control starts to break down. Full rest before returning to D1.
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