Challenge of the Week- "MOON"

Challenge of the Week- "MOON"


M- Metabolically

O- Optimized

O- Ongoing

N- Nversion of difficulty


With just bodyweight, start by performing continuous squats with a 3030 tempo. Elevate your heels if needed for more comfort. Keep the ROM in the middle third to prevent resting in the full stretch or lockout. Take these as far as you can without deviating from the tempo. End the set when you can no longer stand the burn and have to lockout to rest. 

Take 5 deep breaths before transitioning into a bodyweight squat hold. Squat down halfway and hold for as long as you can. End set when you can no longer stand the burn and have to lockout to rest. 

Take 5 deep breaths before transitioning into a bodyweight wall sit. Hold a parallel squat position. Posteriorly tilt your pelvis to pull your hips off the wall so only your low back is in contact. End set when you can no longer stand the burn. 

Only perform ONE full round of this sequence.


How to Progress

Though progress can be estimated quantitatively, the qualitative feedback is more important when it comes to the stated intent (as listed below) of maximizing metabolic stress. 

If one is to attempt to standardize progression week-to-week, the best way to do so would be through tracking TIME for each phase of the sequence and trying to increase it (segmentally or totally) in subsequent bouts. 


Primary Use Case

Hypertrophy (through Metabolic Stress) of the Quads and Glutes

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