DoggCrapp Legs

DoggCrapp Legs

Training Notes:

A: Keep the eccentric very slow and controlled. Focus on powerful concentrics and contract hamstrings hard at the bottom of the rep. The second set should be a Rest Pause set with the same load and execution parameters. Rest ~20 sec between RP sets and take each to technical failure.

B: Use a load that would be about your 15 rep max with the tempo given. Take your time working up to the effective weight. Rest ~15 sec between clusters then take the final one to technical failure. Make sure to control the eccentric and pause in contraction every rep. Try to fully shorten your glutes here. 

C: Use a load that would be about your 12 rep max with the tempo given. Take your time working up to the effective weight and make sure to get in AT LEAST 2-3 feeder sets. Limit energy expenditure on feeders. Rest ~20 sec between RP sets and take each to 1RIR. Get a full ROM on every rep here. Adjust feet/stance/execution as needed for max comfort and ROM.

D: Use a load that would be about your 20 rep max with the tempo given. Take your time working up to the effective weight and make sure to get in AT LEAST 2-3 feeder sets. Limit energy expenditure on feeders. The goal with the widowmaker is to take the set as far as humanly possible. Aim for 25+ reps! This should be the hardest you’ve ever worked. Grind through reps and take your time through the set! Make sure to have a spotter and raise stoppers on the machine just in case you hit concentric failure. After this set, rest for 1-2 minutes then go into extreme stretching for quads—While standing, bend one leg and prop your ankle on a bench or roller. Contract your glute to extend your hip and then sink into the stretch. It’s going to be excruciating but hold for 30 sec each side. Perform two rounds of the stretching.  

E: Use a load that would be about your 15 rep max with a 2000 tempo. Note that the tempo you’re going to be using here is 5 sec eccentric, 8 sec pause in the stretch, and a 1 sec pause in contraction. This means that your reps will be low but that’s ok! Just focus on pushing as hard as you can and fight through the pain. Full rest between these working sets. 

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