High Volume Delts and Arms

High Volume Delts and Arms

Training Notes:
A1: Keep these very strict. Raise the DBs in the scapular plane and don't allow them to swing in front of your body at the bottom of the rep. Try to ensure consistent tension in the delts. Rest 30 sec before A2. 
A2: Overload the eccentric here. Pay close attention to the execution and try to pause briefly at each transitional stage of the reps. Rest 30 sec before A3.
A3: These should be a mix between an upright row and a front raise. Pull the DBs as high as you can, adding in slight shoulder external rotation. This will keep the upper arms in the scapular plane and minimize the "jamming" in the joint that is typical with normal upright rows. Use natural body movement during these but don't cheat! Full rest before returning to A1. 
B: Try to perform these on a functional trainer. A dual pulley low cable row will also work. Take your time to nail the setup because that will be directly correlated to how effective the movement will be. Use wrist cuffs if possible as well to eliminate the need for handles. Really lock in the tempo during these and manipulate the movement as needed to get the best feel in your delts. Take the last set to 1RIR with the same tempo. 
C1: Try to perform these on a functional trainer if possible. You may need to tinker with the cable position as well as your closeness to the pulleys to get the right feel. Keep your upper back and upper arms locked in place in order to keep these as strict as possible. Elbows should be slightly pointed backwards. You should be able to get your triceps super contracted so try to think about cramping them up! Aim for the top of the rep range on the first set. Take the last set to technical failure. Rest 30 sec before C2.
C2: Perform these on a flat bench. The execution must be perfect here in order to get the full benefit so slow the tempo down to lock it in. Bring the DBs straight down to your anterior delts on the eccentric before shifting into shoulder flexion and getting a really deep stretch through your entire triceps. The concentric should be a smooth reversal but be careful to avoid pressing the DBs up! It should remain an extension at all times. Full rest before returning to C1.
D1: Keep your shoulder blades retracted and sternum lifted here. With your arms hanging relaxed., your biceps should already in a stretch. Make sure to stick to the tempo throughout even if it means going lighter than expected. The goal here should be to work the biceps through their lengthened state so don't try to cheat by using shoulder flexion or releasing your shoulder blades! Rest 30 sec before D2. 
D2: Perform these standing. These should be controlled and strict but just aim to accumulate a ton of reps! Bring the DB up to touch your anterior delt on each rep and allow full elbow extension at the bottom. Take the last set to failure. Full rest before returning to D1.
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