High Volume Upper Push

High Volume Upper Push

Training Notes:

A: Keep these light and focus on getting movement through the shoulder joint and scaps. Reach through the lockout and tuck your head to accentuate the ROM. Make sure your knees are 90º and hips are neutral. Outside of the primary intent, this should be a good way to ingrain trunk and pelvic stability. 

B: Set the angle of the bench to ~30º. Tinker with the setup in order to get the bar path perfect (it should touch your lower chest/sternum). Build volume with heavy loads but make sure to leave reps in the tank on the first 3 sets. On the last, go to technical failure then have a spotter assist you with 2 forced reps.

C1: These should be strict! Keep the DBs on the outside of your thighs and raise them as high as you can comfortably get in the scapular plane. Aim to make these more challenging by refining your focus on keeping the tension in the delts the best you can. No rest before C2.

C2: Choose a machine that allows for a comfortable full ROM. Push the load on these but leave a couple of reps in the tank on each set. Really control the eccentric on these. Full rest before returning to C1. 

D1: Perform these lying supine on the floor. Make sure the diameter of the load/plates on the bar is relatively small so as to not restrict the ROM. Control the eccentric and allow the load to settle on the floor for a count before extending back up. Be careful to not turn these into a press as fatigue sets in. No rest before D2.

D2: Choose a machine that allows for a comfortable full ROM. These can be any angle as long as the intent is adhered to. Push the load on these but leave a couple of reps in the tank on each set. Lockout elbows at the top of each rep. Really control the eccentric and get a hard stretch through the pecs. Full rest before returning to D1.

E1: The goal is max density of reps here within time limit. If you can’t get at least 10 reps with bw, perform these from your knees or against a bar set to knee height. If you can get more than 30 reps with bw, elevate your feet by ~12 in or add a band around your shoulders to increase resistance. 

E2: Perform these lying prone on the floor or a flat bench. Adhere to the tempo. Keep your scaps retracted throughout and focus on not allowing your hands to drop. These should be done every time you have to rest from the pushups. 


Additional Notes: 


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