Legs and Delts and Arms Oh My!

Legs and Delts and Arms Oh My!

Training Notes:

A1: Use a load that would be close to your 20-30 rep max. The key here is to stay moving rather than aim for overloading. Try to get as many reps in time limit as possible. No rest before A2.

A2: You can use the same load as A1 or change it quickly to represent your 20-30 rep max. The key here is to stay moving rather than aim for overloading. Try to get as many reps in time limit as possible. No rest before returning to A1.

B: Note the tempo here. Control the eccentric then pause for a count in the deepest part of the stretch. Adjust load or assistance according to your strength levels. Take the last set to 1RIR. Full rest between sets here. 

C: Assume a seated position with your legs in a “V”. The end of the bar should be close to your body at rest in order to get the right line of press. The key here is to brace your abs hard throughout, engage your hip flexors by locking out your knees and dorsiflexing your toes, and using the landmine/bar as a source of some stability. Go light on these as the mobility component will be more challenging than the load on the bar. Take your time between arms as needed. Reach through the top of the ROM to allow those scaps to move freely. 

D: Only one set here. Start with the lowest DB weight available to you and perform 5 reps. Then go up to the next weight increment and perform 5 reps. Continue this process until you can no longer get 5 perfect reps. Once this happens, reverse course and go all the way back down but perform AMRAP at each weight increment. Aim to get as much volume in as possible so the smaller the weight jumps, the better! Fight through the burn!

E: Use a safety bar for these if possible. Elevate your front foot by ~2 inches for more ROM. Take your time through the sets and make each rep fluid. Sink into the lunge and try to equalize the tension between quads and glutes. Feel free to perform these with a straight bar, on Smith machine, or as Hatfields! Keep some reps in the tank and build volume!

F: Work up to a load that is about your 15 rep max when fresh. At this weight, perform repeating cluster sets of 5 reps with 15 sec rest between them. Continue with this as far as you can until you can no longer get 5 perfect reps. Then you’re done! This is low volume so make it count!

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