Lower In Reverse

Lower In Reverse

Training Notes:
A: Adhere closely to the tempo. Aim to get a hard stretch at the bottom then full plantarflexion at the top. Aim for the top of the rep range on set one and take the last set to failure. Rest 60 sec between sets.
B: Keep hips extended and low back neutral throughout the rep. Keep the eccentric slow and make sure to get full knee extension at the bottom. Adjust the pad so it's on your lower thighs above the knees and drive through the balls of your feet during the concentric. Hold weight if the rep range is too easy with bw. Use assistance if your bw is too difficult to get into rep range with perfect execution. These can also be subbed for nordic curls or lying leg curls. 
C: Elevate the front foot by ~2 inches to get more ROM. Hold the DB in your contralateral hand and use your off arm to provide balance/stability. Note the tempo and pause in the stretch with a slow eccentric. Rest as needed between each leg in order to catch your breath and allow for recovery.
D: Place feet lower on platform to encourage increased knee flexion and quad bias. Try to get as deep into the ROM as possible without your low back/hips rolling off the back pad. Take your time working up to the top set performing feeder sets of 5. Reduce load by ~10% for down set. Take full rest between top set and down set. 
E: Start each set from the floor and touch the ground softly between reps. These should be relatively conservative in load/intensity due to the fatigue that will be accumulated by this point in the session. Make sure to take your time during the sets and brace your abs hard to protect your low back. No sloppy reps! Full rest between sets. 
F: These will have to be conservative in load/intensity as well. You'll be fatigued by this point in the session so the goal here should be about perfect control and execution. Use the tempo and slow eccentric to solidify technique and feel the tension in the right places. Make sure to get a full ROM here but do NOT force it if you don't have the mobility. Full rest between these sets.  
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