Training Notes:
A: Take your time warming up before getting into the first working set. Start with a couple of sets of pulldowns and then migrate to feeder sets of 3 pull-ups as you work up. Add load via chain belt in order to fall in rep range with PERFECT reps for top sets. Reduce external load by ~50% for down sets. Every rep should be a full ROM and started from a deadstop. Take as much time as needed between working sets here. These can also be done on assist machine if needed.
B: Note the intent here—you should adjust your body angle and line of pull to best hit your lats while also ensuring free scapular protraction and retraction. Take your time working up to the top set and build volume through warm-up sets of 10 each. Rest as needed between each arm in order to allow your low back to recover. Once you get to the top set and hit technical failure within the given rep range, move on.
C1: Ideally, these would be done on a machine and with a semi-pronated grip. A landmine works as a substitute for the machine and any grip can be used as long as the intent is adhered to. These should be bent over though to force the erectors to work as stabilizers. Focus on getting a full ROM with controlled reps. Push hard but make sure form is strict throughout. Rest 60 sec before C2.
C2: Ideally, this would be setup in J hooks so you can unrack it and start the rep with the eccentric. You can also roll it into position or use DBs if needed. Note the tempo here—pause for a count with your elbows on the floor but not fully relaxed to prevent bouncing off the ground. Keep your legs in a V placement. Go heavy and push these hard as you're able! Full rest before returning to C1.
D: Set bench angle to ~30º. Take your time working up to the top set but build volume as you go with sets of 8 each as warmups. The start position should be lockout and each rep should be completed before the other arm starts its rep. Maintain a semi pronated grip and get a full ROM/stretch here. Take your time and be sure not to rush! Once you get to the top set and hit technical failure within the given rep range, move on.
E: Set the bar up in a rack at armpit height. You shouldn't need many warmup or feeder sets at this point but use 1-2 sets of 3 as needed just to find the right load for your working sets. Push these hard but with perfect form and a full ROM. Reduce load by ~10% for down sets. Take your time during the sets and make sure to brace your abs/contract your glutes so your low back remains relatively neutral. Take as much time as needed between working sets here.
F: Set the decline to ~45º. Hold load against your upper chest and place a pad under your lumbar spine to facilitate natural extension/flexion. Note the tempo as well—control the eccentric and then pause for a count when your abs are fully stretched at the bottom. Come all the way up at the top of the ROM so your torso angle is near vertical even if your hip flexors start kicking in to help. Try to align your breathing with the execution with inhale at the top, hold through the eccentric, and then exhale through the concentric.