Seated DB OHP vs Feet Elevated Deficit Pike Push-Ups

Seated DB OHP vs Feet Elevated Deficit Pike Push-Ups


Execution Cues:

Seated DB OHP:
- Set an adjustable bench to ~75º or use a preset, short bench. 
- Sit on the bench with your back against the pad, grab two equal DBs, and set them on your distal quads (but above the kneecap). There are multiple ways in which to get the DBs securely in place, but make sure to be careful and try to expend the least amount of energy possible. 
- Once you're set and ready, kick the DBs up and into position one at a time. Similar to above, there are going to be multiple ways to accomplish this effectively, but make sure to be careful and try to expend the least amount of energy possible. 
- When both DBs are controlled and stable at shoulder height, ensure your feet are firmly rooted into the floor to establish a solid base, brace your abs, maintain a subtle arch in the low back, and drive your upper back into the bench. Your wrists should be semi-pronated to encourage slightly forward-angled upper arms.
- From here, you can begin the concentric by pressing up, extending the elbows and flexing/adducting the shoulders. The line of press should be arcing as the DBs move towards overhead alignment.
- Once you get to lockout with elbows fully extended and force vector of the DBs "stacked" with your shoulders, there should be a brief pause to recollect any stability or rigidity that might have been lost through the concentric. 
- Next, shift into the eccentric and reverse the motion of the concentric. Make sure to get as much range of motion as your mobility allows. 
- Once the set is over, carefully bring the DBs back down to the thighs then dismount the bench. 

Feet Elevated Deficit Pike Push-Ups:
- Find a stable box or bench that is roughly 14-18 inches tall. About 2-3 feet in front of the bench, place angled (~45º) push-up handles or hex DBs that won't roll. You can also place mats or a box under each of the handles if you want to create a steeper deficit. 
- To get setup, place your toes on the bench and and grip the handles in each hand. Extend your knees and elbows, pike your hips up, and try to get your torso as close to vertical over your arms as you can. 
- Your wrists, elbows and shoulders should be stacked to evenly distribute the force of your bodyweight in this position. Your pelvis should be neutral and abs tight. Quads should be contracted to keep the knees locked. 
- Begin the eccentric by slowly lowering your head between your arms, allowing flexion of the elbows. The angle of the handles and your wrists should encourage your upper arms to stay more tucked as you descend. Your torso and lower body should remain rigid with the hip angle being ~90º throughout. 
- Continue the eccentric until your head is almost touching the floor. Try to maintain a neutral neck here if you can as the deficit should allow you to get the necessary ROM without having to look up. 
- When you reach this terminal point, reverse the direction and shift into the concentric mirroring the eccentric exactly until back to full lockout once more. 

Key Similarities: 
- Vertical press
- Target the delts (primarily) and upper pecs/triceps (secondarily)
- Much more joint friendly than other OHP variations
- Can be adjusted for limitations and restrictions
- Both work best within 8-12 rep ranges

Key Differences: 
- FEDPP is closed chain while Seated DB OHP is open chain leading to a greater level of intrinsic stability for the former
- Loading is much easier to regulate and titrate with DB OHP allowing for more consistent and measurable progressions
- DB OHP more scalable both up and down due to the aforementioned loading differences
- DB OHP leverages external equipment (the bench) to provide stability
- FEDPP enables more full body integration and specific trap work compared to the relative precision of the DB OHP
- FEDPP increases shoulder mobility while also allowing the trainee to work around pre-existing restrictions
- FEDPP is more portable due to the low level of specific equipment required
- FEDPP requires higher baseline level of skill, strength and coordination which makes it more applicable for higher level trainees
- FEDPP also is more suited for supersets and low-rest environments

Primary Use Case for Seated DB OHP:
- Hypertrophy of the Delts

Primary Use Case for Feet Elevated Deficit Pike Push-Ups:
- Hypertrophy of the Delts
- Increase Shoulder and Upper Back Mobility

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