P2 Training Club
Sumo Deadlifts vs Conventional Deadlifts
Execution Cues:Sumo Deadlifts:- Set up a free barbell with a standardized plate. If you're using less than 135lbs (45lb plate on each side of the 45lb bar), make sure...
Sumo Deadlifts vs Conventional Deadlifts
Execution Cues:Sumo Deadlifts:- Set up a free barbell with a standardized plate. If you're using less than 135lbs (45lb plate on each side of the 45lb bar), make sure...
How to Properly Use a Lifting Belt
What do you think is the most common mistake made in the gym?Squats? Deadlifts? Pull-ups?Or maybe it's not knowing correct etiquette...Not putting weights back? Not wiping down your bench after...
How to Properly Use a Lifting Belt
What do you think is the most common mistake made in the gym?Squats? Deadlifts? Pull-ups?Or maybe it's not knowing correct etiquette...Not putting weights back? Not wiping down your bench after...
Full Body Strength
Training Notes:A: Keep form locked in and move the bar through the concentric with power. Don't worry about controlling the eccentric but take your time and reset fully before the...
Full Body Strength
Training Notes:A: Keep form locked in and move the bar through the concentric with power. Don't worry about controlling the eccentric but take your time and reset fully before the...
Pendulum Pistol Squats
Execution Cues: - Begin by setting up a box or bench in a power rack. The height of the elevated surface should be ~18-24 inches or about equal to...
Pendulum Pistol Squats
Execution Cues: - Begin by setting up a box or bench in a power rack. The height of the elevated surface should be ~18-24 inches or about equal to...
Equipment-Less Adductor Training
The adductor complex is undoubtedly one of the most integral muscle groups in the human body... But it's also a viable candidate for the most overlooked. So how and why...
Equipment-Less Adductor Training
The adductor complex is undoubtedly one of the most integral muscle groups in the human body... But it's also a viable candidate for the most overlooked. So how and why...
Unilateral Lower Body
Training Notes: A1: Overload the eccentric by performing the concentric bilaterally then the eccentric one side at a time. Alternate the eccentric responsibility each rep. The tempo should be controlled...
Unilateral Lower Body
Training Notes: A1: Overload the eccentric by performing the concentric bilaterally then the eccentric one side at a time. Alternate the eccentric responsibility each rep. The tempo should be controlled...